Salamander tower
A view of the region from a dungeon

You can access the tower from a small stone alley that oozes charm. When you do, you find a former dungeon from the 11th century. All that’s left to do is climb 136 steps to find an awe-inspiring view over the valley.
Highlighting regional history
This dungeon is the last remaining building from the fortress of Beaumont and the origins of the city. As a result, it is an interesting way to learn more about the history of the city. It measures thirty metres and looms over the entire Hantes Valley, a green area that is rich in terms of biodiversity.
You can discover the inside of the tower. Just make sure to check the schedule before you go. It is not open all the time.
The tower has four floors and several historical artefacts connected to the city are on display. In particular, you will learn that Napoleon passed through the city and left interesting mementos, including Beaumont macaroons that you can taste.
You’ll love the view over Beaumont
The most spectacular is the terrace at the top of the tower. It can be reached via a spiral staircase. You just need to climb 136 steps.
When you reach the top, you’ll find an incredible view of the Hantes Valley on one side and the city of Beaumont on the other. Take this chance to take some photos in landscape mode.
Time for a nice hike
The tower is part of a larger fortress. At the time, there were around thirty towers. Some remains can still be found in the city, in gardens or on contemporary buildings.
Have fun looking for the remnants of the Saint-Jean-le-Sourd tower and the royal tower. Another testament to this fortress: the postern. Hint: it is located on a guard tower that is currently in ruins.
In addition to the tower, you can take the chance to slip on your boots and explore the region on a lovely hike.